This is how we blog.

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Having recently read an article about creativity (which is here, and thank you, Jasper, for pointing it out), I've realized that I'm losing a lot of ideas simply by not getting them down when I think of them. It happened to me again, just this morning, when I thought of something interesting but was busy writing something else. And now I've lost it. I can't for the life of me remember what it was I thought up. As a result, I've decided to attempt to blog every single damn idea I come up with from now on. "That's crazy talk!" you may say. And that's true. It is crazy talk. But I intend to try anyway. So, starting now, more posts, often shorter posts, less curation, more randomness. Oh yes.

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why not twitter the smallish ones and blog the big ideas?

Because I find Twitter a little too ephemeral. The blog lets me keep an organized archive of every idea I ever have, which is better than Twitter can do. Plus, 140 characters just doesn't do the job a lot of the time.

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