Teaching creativity

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Creativity is so often seen as an innate and unteachable skill. You either have it or you don't. The hydro reader once walked into my house and decided I must be an artist, seeing the flow charts on the walls and paint splattered door mat. I said anyone could do it. He begged to differ. So, creativity is rarefied. If there's one thing I'm convinced of, though, it's that creativity can indeed be taught. But how?

How do you teach creativity? There aren't specific hard skills that go along with it. It's largely about process and mindset. Teaching someone to draw doesn't give them creativity, simply a set of skills that help creativity be actualized. What, then, do we put in the creativity toolkit? Which mental processes go into creativity?

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Feeling free to try things without fear of judgment. A degree of confidence in one's skills. Space, time and materials needed to experiment. An understanding of and respect for one's artistic forebears. Stuff like that.

Oh and of course, being taught that, as you said, anyone can do it, that's it's not wizardry or some occult process whose secrets are indecipherable to the general population.

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