OCS Research Report V1.0.1

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Version 1.0.1 of the OCS Research Report is now available. Download the pdf.

Revisions in v1.0.1:

p1. contributor list
p6. "The reverse of this is, of course, also true."
p6. "(including #0099cc, the colour of the OCS logo)"
p7. "As mentioned above, Pantone provides mixing instructions to print professionals. These instructions provide the direction necessary to create any colour in the Pantone range from a set of base colours (these colours include process yellow, process magenta, process cyan, process black, orange, red, blue, yellow, warm red, rubine red, rhodamine red, purple, violet, reflex blue, process blue and black). These instructions are laid out in a similar fashion to paint mixing ratios."
pp7-8. "despite the existence of other viable palettes such as Focoltone, Trumatech, Munsell (the rights to which are currently owned by X-Rite, Pantone's parent company), Toyo, HKS, RAL and so on."
p9. "(a Canadian chain of book stores)"
p13. "is" between the words "involvement" and "what" in paragraph 3
p15. a space between "students," and "use"
p15. "Usability: Even if they wish to try Open Source alternatives, many designers lack the skills required to do so. They may find programs difficult to install, with technical issues they aren't used to dealing with."

Formatting changed to minimize excess white space at the tops of some pages.

p11. " and the principles behind it" from after "(FLOSS)"

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1 Comment


Thanks for making this report available. FYI, though, the PDF opens up as almost completely blank on Preview on my Mac, and it doesn't look quite right in Adobe Reader either, with rectangles around the spaces between words.

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