the execution

My plan is to build an interactive site or widget that challenges common conceptions about femininity. Several ideas have come to mind, and I've yet to determine which would suit my purpose best.

Paper doll

A Flash based paper doll game. Users are invited to drag objects signifying stereotypical feminine  traits onto the doll. Each item comes with an explanation to help the user understand the significance of that particular trait.

flip book

A virtual book is divided into three sections: Head, torso, and lower body. The pages of the three sections can be moved independantly of each other to create mismatches. Like in the Paper Doll concept, concepts and traits are represented visually. Personality and attitude traits are found predominantly in the head section of the book, appearance and behaviour traits are predominantly found in the lower sections. Each combination of characteristics is accompanied by an explanatory text box. 

stereotypical woman generator

The user is invited to select a variety of traits from a list. The combination that the user chooses generates an image of a woman meeting that decription. Like the other two concepts, the traits chosen by the user are then discussed in accompanying text.